What is Peritonitis Cancer?
Peritonitis Cancer OR Peritoneal Cancer is caused by inflammation of the peritoneum (a thin film lining the walls of the abdominal cavity and the organs located in it). 15-20% of all cases of acute surgical diseases and injuries of the abdominal organs occur, usually as a complication of a purulent disease or a violation of the integrity of any organ of the abdominal cavity.
A very dangerous disease - mortality with widespread purulent peritonitis is 25-30%, with the development of multiple organ failure, it reaches 90%.
Signs And Symptoms of Peritonitis Cancer
- Abdominal pain
- Acute abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Increased heart rate
- Earthy gray skin
- Increased heart rate
- Earthy gray skin
- Abdominal pain
- Acute abdominal pain
The very first Symptom is severe pain, which begins in the area of the source of Peritoneal Cancer, it gradually spreads throughout the abdomen and becomes constant, after which it becomes impossible to determine exactly where it hurts. Then there is paralysis of the nerve endings of the peritoneum, due to which the pain wanes.
Moreover, if nausea and vomiting at the beginning of peritonitis are reflex, then later they become a result of intestinal paralysis. In the vomit appears bile, and after that - the contents of the small intestine (the so-called fecal vomiting). The temperature rises.
With the spread of Peritonitis Cancer, the condition worsens significantly: the face becomes earthy pale, its features are pointed, the pulse is up to 140 or more beats per minute, the abdomen is painful to palpation and swelling, vomiting is continuous.
Causes of Peritonitis Cancer
The main cause of Peritoneal Cancer is infection. But it can also be a consequence of exposure to the peritoneum of gastric or pancreatic juice, blood, bile, urine (the so-called chemical-toxic peritonitis).
Peritonitis Cancer may occur with:
- Appendicitis
- Surgical interventions
- Acute pancreatitis
- Mesenteric vascular thrombosis
- Various injuries
- Gynecological diseases
- Acute bowel obstruction
- Inflammation of the extrahepatic biliary tract and liver
- Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum , as well as intestinal ulcers (ulcerative necrotic enterocolitis of dysenteric, typhoid, oncological, tuberculosis origin)
- Hernias
But it happens that the cause of Peritonitis Cancer is not even recognized at autopsy (cryptogenic Peritonitis Cancer).
Peritonitis Cancer is divided into aseptic and infectious, the latter also differ in the type of pathogen - streptococcal, staphylococcal, caused by mixed flora or Escherichia coli.
Peritoneal Cancer is also distinguished because of the occurrence (appendicular, after perforation of a stomach ulcer, etc.). By the nature of the exudate (inflammatory effusion - fluid that seeps from small blood vessels): serous, serous-fibrinous, purulent, hemorrhagic, putrefactive, etc.
Diagnostics for Peritonitis Cancer
To establish an accurate diagnosis, X-ray , ultrasound , laparocentesis (abdominal puncture) and endovideoscopy are prescribed according to indications.
Treatment for Peritonitis Cancer
- Urgent hospitalization is necessary and, with rare exceptions, surgical intervention, which is considered one of the most difficult.
- If Peritoneal Cancer is in an early stage, then the stomach is emptied once with a probe. In the late stage, the probe is driven for a long time.
- With the help of multi component anesthesia, anesthesia is performed, then surgical intervention, during which Peritoneal Cancer is eliminated or reliably isolated. An important role is played by the preparation of the patient for surgery. Surgeons prefer to postpone it for a couple of hours than to operate on an unprepared patient.
- Sometimes peritoneal lavage is performed - flow-through washing with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics of the abdominal cavity.
Recently, in the postoperative period, relaparotomy (repeated laparotomy) has been effective, in which the abdominal cavity is thoroughly washed and drained (ensure
the outflow of its contents). The first of them is performed one day after the operation. The next relaparotomy is another day or two later.
After the operation, anesthesia, intravenous therapy, extracorporeal detoxification (removal of toxins by means of extracorporeal oxygenation, hemodialysis,
hemosorption, ultrafiltration, enterosorption, therapeutic plasmapheresis, xenosplenoperfusion, lymphosorption, abdominal hemoperfusion) are performed. Antibacterial
therapy and immunocorrection are also needed.
Various enemas and stimulation of intestinal motility with the help of physiotherapy are prescribed , as well as hyperbaric oxygenation.
How to Prevent Peritonitis Cancer?
It is necessary to timely treat diseases of the abdominal organs, as well as hernias. When acute diseases or trauma of the abdominal organs appear, emergency care.
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